April 21, 2024 | Sammy Tran

DIY Beauty Hacks For The Frugal Person

It seems like beauty products are way too overpriced nowadays. If you're like me and don't want to empty your entire wallet on beauty products, you can try the following budget-conscious DIY beauty hacks. With a little bit of creativity and some everyday items you probably already have at home, you can get that glamorous look without breaking the bank. 


Coconut oil

Coconut oil is good for more than just cooking—it can help keep your skin and hair looking and feeling great. Just warm up a little bit of coconut oil in your hands and rub it on your skin or hair. Let it sit for a bit, then rinse it off for a natural glow.


Coffee grounds

Say goodbye to expensive scrubs and exfoliants, and say hello to coffee grounds! Mix coffee grounds with a bit of olive oil or honey to make a yummy face and body scrub. Massage it in circles to get rid of dead skin cells and reveal a brighter complexion. Plus, the caffeine helps reduce the appearance of cellulite.


Homemade face masks

Look in your kitchen for ingredients like yogurt, honey, oatmeal, and avocado to make your face masks at home. These ingredients can help soothe and moisturize your skin, fight bacteria, and reduce irritation. You can mix and match them to address your specific skin concerns without spending a lot of money on expensive masks."


Tea bags

Puffy eyes are one of the most common trouble areas that people have. A cheap and easy way to get rid of puffy eyes is by using tea bags. Simply steep them in hot water for a few minutes, let them cool down, and then place them over your eyes for a relaxing and de-puffing treatment. The antioxidants in the tea can help reduce inflammation and brighten your eyes. Green or chamomile tea works best.


Baking soda

For a brighter smile, try using baking soda instead of expensive commercial teeth-whitening products. Just mix a little bit of baking soda with water to make a paste, brush it onto your teeth gently, and you'll see results after using it once or twice a week. It's a simple and affordable way to get a brighter smile. Just be sure to be gentle when brushing, as baking soda can be abrasive and damage your enamel if you scrub too hard.


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