April 12, 2024 | Sammy Tran

Gua Sha: Is It A Science Or Just A Fad?

Gua Sha is an old healing method from traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) that has become popular in recent years. Some people say it can improve blood flow, reduce swelling, and ease pain. However, others are skeptical about its scientific basis and think it's just a passing trend.


How does Gua Sha work?

Gua Sha is a technique that involves scraping the skin with a tool, usually made of smooth materials like jade, to improve blood flow and promote healing. Supporters believe that this process helps remove toxins, break up stagnation, and restore the body's natural balance. However, there isn't much scientific evidence to back up these claims.


What do the studies say?

Research into the physiological effects of Gua Sha is still in its early stages, but some studies have provided insights into its potential mechanisms of action. For instance, a 2014 study published in the Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine found that Gua Sha therapy increased microcirculation in the treated areas, suggesting a possible role in improving blood flow and reducing inflammation.

Another study published in Pain Medicine in 2011 found that Gua Sha might help reduce chronic neck pain by making the pain feel less intense and improving flexibility. But, these results are not conclusive and need to be confirmed with larger, more thorough clinical trials.



Still some skepticism

Some people don't think Gua Sha is effective because it might just be a placebo effect or people feeling better due to the sensation of the scraping. Also, there are worries that it could cause skin irritation, bruising, or other bad side effects if done wrong or too hard. 

Nevertheless, despite its still-evolving scientific foundation, Gua Sha has been practiced for centuries and has garnered a devoted following.


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